Jeremiah 8:18 - 9:11 “Weeping and Worship”
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“Weeping and Worship” 23 Oct 16
The Bible records many of His servants who wept. Job wept; David wept; Jesus wept (); Jeremiah wept (). What happens when a believer weeps with others? They gather around with Kleenex and murmur verses of encouragement. God works all things for good (). Things will be all right. But what if things are not all right?
I. A Sovereign of Sorrows –
A. Where is the Lord in trouble? –
1. The Lord Himself creates calamity –
2. Is there no balm among God’s people? –
B. Trouble helps us to examine ourselves
1. And hope in God –
2. The Holy Spirit is poured out in trouble –
3. As we grieve, groan, and weep, the Holy Spirit prays –
The first step toward hope is to recognize how desperate our situation is!! Our nation is in a death spiral.
II. Trouble Affects Believers and Non-believers –
A. Weeping can turn to anger –
1. People are dying because of sin. Satan only comes to kill and destroy – ;
2. Anger desires to separate ourselves from those opposed to God –
3. Focus on the Lord, not those around you –
B. We live in the midst of liars and evil doers –
1. Why?
2. So that we might suffer with them
3. Jesus was the man of sorrows –
4. He wept at Lazarus’ tomb –
5. We are called to suffer even at the hands of evil doers and liars –
It is ugly to shout Bible verses and speak gospel hope if we withhold ourselves from suffering with those crushed by sin –
III. Refined Through Suffering –
A. We are tested in the furnace of affliction –
1. The Lord is testing the genuineness of our faith –
2. It is through tribulation, we enter the Kingdom –
3. We will suffer persecution – ;
B. Christ has overcome the world –
1. He is with us in the fire –
2. He goes with us! Do not fear –
Until we learn to lament and weep, we have very little to say to the world around us. May we witness with compassion and tears the living Word of the gospel!
There is a balm in Gilead to save the sin-dead soul